Thursday, January 17, 2008

Think positive!

This is my first post on my new blog,! Sadachar means "good behavior", of
course it has a deeper meaning than just a "good behavior", but lets just stay there for now. Anyways, you may think with so many blogs around why did I start this new blog?
Well I had been thinking lately, and thats one reason why I am here! But seriously, I wanted to
spread the message of love, peace, good and positive thinking around. Good thoughts, deeds are contagious, and I wanted to see if this blog can help spread that word around.

Now a days when I open the newspaper in the morning, I see most of the negative news taking place on the front page, killings, robbery, hatred, and what not. Is this what people want to see really? Agreed that life means happiness as well as sorrows, but do we have to only highlight the sorrows? I was thinking if there is a newspaper which just had all the good and positive things to share on the front page. I was thinking if people look at the good things in others and not just focus on someones weaknesses or bad behavior. I dont make any resolutions for the new years, but I suggest that whoever (if anyone other than me ever visits this site) comes to my site, please try to do one good thing in a day. It could be as simple as not honking your horn while other driver tries to cut in. Or not look back in anger when someone honks you because you try to cut in. I remember one day while I was trying to change lanes, the driver in the other lane had to break, and he honked! I signaled sorry with my hands, and he reciprocated in kind. I am sure it made him happy, so did it made me happy! My point is good things also get reciprocated in kind like any bad behavior gets punished! So be kind, be good to your fellow human beings. Smile even if you dont know them, so they feel good. Hey thats my thought for today! And I am sure someone will visit this site someday and spread this message around. I will be coming back for more too.
Thanks a lot for listening!

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